Frequently Asked Questions

What days and hours are you available?

We are available 52 weeks of the year, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day providing all our services. We are also open on public holidays.

Can you organize transport for me?

Yes, we organize and provide transport services. Bookings are essential by contacting us.

What personal care elements do you provide?

We assist with toileting, showering, sanitary care and incontinent care. Our friendly and experienced staff are always happy to help.

What fitness activities do you include in your programme?

Sports ability, swimming, bowling, zumba, yoga, gym, jetty walk, bushwalk, Wii fit, gardening and much more depending on interest and ability of the participant.

What leisure activities do you offer?

Numeracy and Literacy, computer skills, cooking, first aid skills, makeup and beauty, art & craft, sewing and iPad games.

What type of excursions do you run?

Sailability, zoo visits, outdoor bbqs, road safety, shopping, photography, swimming, bowling, music works, sound waves, dolphin cruise, visit historical places, mystery tours and much more…

What life skills are covered in your learning programme?

Personal hygiene, road safety, cooking, shopping, money handling, understanding emotions, time management, building independence, polish and develop your skills, and friendships.

Are you NDIS provider?

Yes, we are a registered NDIS provider and are eligible to provide many services.

Still have questions?

Phone: 0452 651 437
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